You are here: About sequence numbers

About sequence numbers

Sequence numbers are series’ of sequential numbers sometimes used as parts of naming standards. They can be used for file names, document names, drawing numbers, project numbers and other properties. Each sequence of numbers has a name by which it can be manipulated and a current value. The value of a sequence may be changed but its name may not be changed. For information about using sequence numbers for file names (the same principles apply to other properties as well), see Understanding file name calculation.

Note    Sequences may not be deleted from a vault but they occupy a negligible amount of space. However, since sequence names cannot be reused, choose them carefully so that they remain applicable for the life of the vault. We recommend using a naming standard for sequences just as you would for any other vault objects.

Sequence numbers can be created, incremented, and reset using VBScript as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference. But they can also be managed without VBScript programming with the BlueCielo Sequence Number Manager, which is a stand-alone tool program included with Meridian Enterprise. By default, the BlueCielo Sequence Number Manager (BCSequenceManager.exe) is installed in C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Program.

Note    To use the BlueCielo Sequence Number Manager, you must have the Advanced Document Properties privilege for the folder for which you want to use the program.

Note    The BlueCielo Sequence Number Manager supports managing sequence numbers for folders only. Sequence numbers for vault, folder type, and document type objects must be managed with VBScript.

The following topics describe how to manage sequence numbers with the BlueCielo Sequence Number Manager.

Related tasks

Viewing sequence numbers

Creating and editing sequence numbers

Exporting and importing sequence numbers